Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Straight Haired Girl Plays Catch Up

Y'all,  I am so sorry. Has it really been a month since I've last posted? Seriously. I feel like I have been so busy but yet not really. I'm sure that is confusing to you but we'll get through this awkward transition sentence together.

This summer has flown by to say the least. Every weekend has been filled to the brim with plans and I'm worn slap out. I'm extremely thankful for my life and all the things going on it but lately I've just been dragging, kicking and screaming. Why? Because the summer time makes me think of Summer 2010. Summer 2010 and the rest of that year was the year I grew the most as a person and practically the best year of my life to date. I didn't have a care in the world besides if it was going to rain and prevent me from laying out at the pool that day. It also makes me miss college. Miserably miss it. Okay- done pouting. This isn't a pity party. Again, I'm thankful!

I feel 2012 is a year of transition. I feel so much is changing and maybe it always has been and I've just never noticed. I feel big and amazing changes are still to come and I cannot wait to share them with you all! Okay time for an update! Here's what's been happening....

This is Sarah & myself. BFFs since 17 and she is moving to Japan in December.
Separation anxiety will ensue shortly thereafter.

I attended a skype baby shower for Baylor and Alyssa! Gotta love technology.

I attempted to paint Rainbow Row.
Excuse the fat shudders. I couldn't stop laughing the entire night. 

Let me introduce you to Penny. We adopted her! I'll post on her later!

I've been here every weekend. The parents got a pool and it is pretty amazing!

Penny loves her bed. Sorry had to throw another one in there :)

 I'm re-reading Harry Potter because my eyes need a break from the Kindle. I purchased this book in 6th grade when we had to fill out reading logs for class, remember those?

Last but certainty not least I'm going to VEGAS!!
Sarah & I are going to see the other leg of our tripod Alyssa and hopefully her newborn baby girl Baylor. It'll be the last time all three of us are in the same state for quite awhile.