Friday, July 20, 2012

Straight Haired Girl Rambles

First, my Straight Haired Girl is a Beach Girl post had 14 page views. My, Straight Haired Girl is a Christian post had 209. So.... thank you? I'm not really sure how to absorb that. It's thrown me off and I've been struggling on even what to write as a follow up to it. Everything I type sounds kind of silly now. Not really planning on this being a blog about my faith. I feel it's a private matter in the fact that you know i'm a Christian and how I sort of became one and that's all I feel you need to know. I'm not going to shove The Bible down your throat or tell you that you're going to hell. I'm not that kind of girl. You can still call me up to have a drink and I can still tell you a funny story. That Lauren is still alive and well, don't you worry. 

Most of you know that my memory is ridiculous. Ridiculously amazing that is. I can recall dates, times, smells, weather, wardrobe, and food that was ordered without a bit of struggle. My memory and my hair are two favorite things about me. It's okay to have favorite things about yourself. I'm not saying I have the best memory and hair in the world, but i'm saying that those attributes about myself are my favorite. With that being said I've recently started writing it all down. I have a feeling one day I'll lose these gifts. I'll get older and my hair will either turn grey or fall out and my brain won't be as sharp as it once was. So I've taken up doodling, journaling, and all kinds of silly little things to do with my hands in my spare time. I no longer have cable or internet really at my house and it's allowed me to do so many other things then go into zombie mode. Yes, we just went from talking about my favorite things about myself to not having internet. Anyways, I write down my memories now. It's not a diary more like a recap of that day's events...the important ones anyways. 

Due to lack of digital entertainment in my household I now come home and play with Kennedy way more. She can now say Lauren in the way an 18 month old can say Lauren which kind of sounds Chinese. She says, "Ya-yen" she knows when to say, Please, Thank You, and You're Welcome...obviously still in baby talk but still very impressive. I'm so very proud of the little girl she is growing into and feel honored every day to be able to witness her milestones. I only hope to know Baby E & Baby B like I know my K. 

From happy stuff to the sad stuff, it's hitting me more and more that my best friend since 17 is probably going to move at the end of the year. A ton of bricks land on my chest almost daily at the thought and I cannot handle the emotions that come with it. She was married in April and I cried through the entire thing. Before ceremony, during ceremony, and reception. Dana kept looking at me and shaking his head. I was a mess and I'm sure that is only going to be a fraction of how much I'll be crying the day she leaves. You know that person you text when something happens? That first person? She is that person. She is not irrational and I take comfort that after my rant of texts I can join her for a glass of wine a short time after. We feel weird when we go more than 5 days without seeing each other. I honestly do not know how this is going to go down. It won't be pretty though. 

Okay. I'm done rambling.

Just to note my 2 least favorite things about myself:
I wear my emotions on my face, especially the bad ones.
I'm extremely impatient in the majority of things I do. I'm worried I'll never be crafty for this reason. 

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